วันพุธที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Deepee

royalteens: ahmoses: so perfect so are you <333333



so perfect

so are you <333333

Your very Personal and Intense Disney Ask:

Aurora: Story of your first kiss
Rapunzel: 5 things from your bucket list
Dory: Something someone has told you that you can't forget (two good things and one bad)
Pocahontas: Something new you taught someone.
Mulan: Do you trust your gut feeling? What happened.
Jasmine: The story of when you had to really trust someone. Was it easy?
Belle: Is there someone you are close to who no one else likes? What's the story?
Ariel: Where do you think you belong, and why?
Flounder: Something that surprised you and frightened you.
Eric: Have you ever helped a stranger? What happened.
Aladdin: A sacrifice you made for someone.
Tiana: A time you tried the hardest for something.
Boo: A childhood hero.
Cruella: Something you really want but you aren't allowed to have.
Seven Dwarfs: 7 things you like in the people around you.
Kronk: What you are best at in the kitchen?
Simba: Something a parent has taught you.
Cinderella: "A dream is a wish your heart makes" What's that for you?
Nemo: Your bravest moment.
Terk: Are you a big brother/sister figure to anyone?
Buzz: Your favourite fantasy world (aka Harry Potter, Star Wars), if any.
Alice: Done drugs?
Peter Pan: Something from your childhood that you still love.
Merida: What are you most passionate about?

tristan-mckie-is-here: inthatmomentisweariwantedpizza: destielarryziam: australiansanta: thesocia...








how do mermaids have babies

do you think the people who play teletubbies feel horny on set sometimes

why didn't tarzan have a beard

how many things are there

why didn't aladdin have nipples

if siamese twins have two separate vaginas do they get their periods at the same time

tumblr asks the real questions

holy fuck some of you people are too pretty

holy fuck some of you people are too pretty

the-dr-e: ok then….


ok then….

You piss me off

First you dump me then say you want me back, treat me like shit, then later stop talking to me for a month, and randomly come back and tell me you want me back again, and its my fault for having trust issues?

qoafosho: This was my 16,000th post by the way. The first time...


This was my 16,000th post by the way. The first time I posted it.

I couldn't be happier

twistedsmiler: zodiacsociety: Leo Facts yup das me



Leo Facts

yup das me

-loner: horizontal poem this is perfect. i don't know what...


horizontal poem

this is perfect. i don't know what else to say





once again my self esteem and my self confidence have taken a great opportunity from my life. i wont...

once again my self esteem and my self confidence have taken a great opportunity from my life. i wont let it happen again. i will. be. different.

piercelopez: there are two types of crushes: 1. a casual crush, you look at them and you're like...


there are two types of crushes:

1. a casual crush, you look at them and you're like "wow you're pretty cute i'd like to get to know you better"

2. absolutely, undeniably head over heels oh my god are you fucking kidding me you are perfect wow i'm literally going to rethink every conversation we've ever had for the next 9 hours of my life please love me

there is no in between




mephistonegative: I fucking hate this day. 3 years of life...


I fucking hate this day. 3 years of life without my favorite band. 3 years waiting for it all to sink in & it fucking hasn't. Watching my idols age is sobering enough but goddamn it I don't want to fucking out live them. I'm just another nameless, faceless fan that would have faded away permanently if it hadn't been for Type O Negative. So if you're lucky enough to have a band that inspires you to live through this shit storm of life please cherish them and enjoy the ride because once it stops so does your heart. I miss you Peter :(

I want to write something elaborate and beautiful to say about...

I want to write something elaborate and beautiful to say about this man but I cannot think of anything worthy enough for him. Peter Steele, your music has been a constant in my life since I first heard it. I cannot even begin to describe how much it has helped me through my darkest times. I want to say thank you for being a part of my life; thank you for blessing me with your music, your personality, but most importantly thank you for blessing me with you. Your life has changed mine and I will always be saddened to say I could not tell you this in person.

Rest in peace, Peter Thomas Ratajczyk

Metallica, 1988.

Metallica, 1988.

tyleroakley: peacelovelesbian: libby-on-the-label: busterposeys: at what point in history do you...





at what point in history do you think americans stopped having british accents


Actually, Americans still have the original British accent. We kept it over time and Britain didn't. What we currently coin as a British accent developed in England during the 19th century among the upper class as a symbol of status. Historians often claim that Shakespeare sounds better in an American accent.


welp i tried

welp i tried

joe-daism: This happens at least once a week, I'm getting...


This happens at least once a week, I'm getting concerned.

