can make a gif set of 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' the twos part 50 cent is with the girl
Sure. I'll add that to my list of movies to do.
I am not sure if you've already done so....but may you please post a link to this video? ====> post #45337453742. It's the one where the fine ass women are playing with strawberries and each other. Thank you kindly
I have posted the link. It's in the "Porn/Source Material" link on the homepage of the blog. I should have most of the links in that section.
Here is the link to it again though.
Hey Afro-Orgasm, I enjoy your blog a lot, you're doing a good thing by creating a place where black people can celebrate their sexuality but I'm wonder even though masturbating is very enjoyable when can you tell that's being coming an addiction?
Thanks for the love.
As far as your masturbation question, I'm pretty sure I'm not knowledgeable enough or qualified to answer that directly. I'd assume it's different from person to person, but my personal opinion is you would know if masturbation has become an addiction when it's negatively affecting you or another person. The details of what qualifies as "negative" is only something you would know.
"I think porn developed from the modeling stuff I was...
"I think porn developed from the modeling stuff I was doing. Nudes and glam. I started doing more erotic stuff and I liked it. I like teasing men. I think that's what pushed me to try something different."
-Imani Rose
Where does self confidence fit into what's considered...
Where does self confidence fit into what's considered "sexy?"
How do you like to masturbate? xxx
How do you like to masturbate?
Fuck outside. At least once in your life.
Fuck outside. At least once in your life.
Don't leave out mutual masturbation.
Don't leave out mutual masturbation.
Advertising your blog in the notes of someones post.
Those doing this. Does this really get you followers?
Who is ready for summer? xxx
Who is ready for summer?
Sofa sex is a fun challenge. xxx
Sofa sex is a fun challenge.
I have two points as a response to this. 1. I didn’t say everyone “loves”...
I have two points as a response to this.
1. I didn’t say everyone “loves” everyone. There wasn’t a typo in the original paragraph. I said the kind of sexuality that I personally celebrate is “everyone love everyone.” Which means I’m not advocating specifically for one group to love one group. I’m advocating the right and acceptance of everyone having the ability to love whoever they love. Men love men. Women love women. Black love white. Native American love Asian. And every single other combination in-between.
2. I absolutely do believe that there should be blogs that also focus exclusively on one specific group, for example a blog with only black couples. Those positive images should be celebrated. I follow blogs with that exact content, and honestly, those were the blogs that got me into tumblr in the first place. Both types of blogs can exist in the same capacity without one being a detriment to the other.
Put her on all fours. Tie her hands together. Have your way with...
Put her on all fours. Tie her hands together. Have your way with her.
Sometimes, all she wants is some head. xxx
Sometimes, all she wants is some head.
Role playing ideas for you adventurous lovers. xxx
Role playing ideas for you adventurous lovers.
In That Common Courtesy gif set, what movie is that from?
Morning sex or midnight sex? xxx
Morning sex or midnight sex?
The little forehead, shoulder, cheek, chin kisses can make a big...
The little forehead, shoulder, cheek, chin kisses can make a big difference.
Common courtesy. FUCKING KNOCK! xxx
Common courtesy. FUCKING KNOCK!
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